Confessions of a Pragmatist

Thinking of oneself as a pragmatist seems gloomy, uninspired and certainly doesn’t sound like something a creative person should be. I’ve always disliked being told to be realistic: that’s something people say in a well-meaning attempt to set limits on your expectations, so that you don’t fail. For me, being a pragmatist doesn’t mean creating arbitrary limits on my aspirations, but carefully honing the circumstances around their manifestation so that they can be created. After all, making sure a painting fits in the freight elevator doesn’t stifle creativity.

In my dream life, I’d employ a full-time logistics manager! How do you feel about being pragmatic in this often non-sensible society?

All the Best Parts, oil on canvas 36” x 48” 2024

Open Studios in DUMBO last weekend was very fun- I was so happy to see friends and meet new people. It was a nice group of people wandering in the studio each day. There were several painting sales-THANK YOU to everyone who made it out!

Blue Tones

I’m working towards a few new shows this Spring, which I’ll share with you soon.

Happy Spring!